Bryan Moya
ISSA Certified Personal Trainer

Train With Moya


My plans are 100% customized to YOU because there is only ONE you. Instead of blindly following any plan, my goal is to help you learn. You will learn easy and exciting new recipes, exercises that you can FEEL, and everything in between. However, the most important thing you will learn from your plan is how to really live a healthy lifestyle long term -both physically, mentally, and emotionally.

You will learn how to push yourself, how to be patient with yourself, and most importantly - how to love yourself. Remember, aside from reaching your physical goals, the ultimate goal is to be able to make healthy, balanced eating and consistent physical activity a LIFESTYLE. My goal is to provide you with something that you will WANT to stick to, and in turn, change your life and see amazing results!

Workout Programs


Home Made Gains

♦ 4-Week Home-Based With Custom Meal Program —► Home Made Gains $44.90


• Intended for females who have no exercise equipment or accessories, I guide you which 4 house items to use for weight

• Can perform with resistance bands or pair of dumbbells if you have any



What you'll get in Home Made Gains:

• 4 weeks of workouts at 6 days per week

• 1 Pure cardio day per week/2 days of lower-body/2 days of upper-body & 1 full-body day & 1 rest-day

• Custom nutrition plan based on your macros 

• A strong focus on the glutes, thighs and abs with circuits and full-body exercises

• Videos of me demonstrating for each exercise

• A healthy dose of targeted workouts

• Detailed notes for each exercise

Maximize results without the expense of a pricey gym membership, utilizing workouts that you can do from home or even perform outdoors with resistance bands. I guide you what to use for those who do not have any exercise equipment or accessories. This guide will push you to your limits with varied range of exercises to keep your muscles engaged throughout. At 4 weeks, intensity is the name of the game. Take a photo at the beginning and regularly track your progress. You will be able to SEE and FEEL the results by the end!

*NOTE: Program never expires. Yours to keep!

Choose Your Plan

Monthly Subscription —► $39.00

What you'll get in your 1-month plan:

• 4-Week Personalized Training Program based on YOUR goals WITH 

• 4-Week Personalized Nutrition Plan tailored to your macros/YOUR dietary preference

• Periodic Weekly Check-In & Assistance With Any Questions At Any Time

3-Monthly Subscription —► $99.00 ($33 a month)

What you'll get in your 3-month plan:

• 12-Week Personalized Training Program based on YOUR goals WITH 

• 12-Week Personalized Nutrition Plan tailored to your macros/YOUR dietary preference

• Periodic Weekly Check-In & Assistance With Any Questions At Any Time


Customized Workout-Only Plan

Monthly Subscription —► $29.99

What you'll get in your 1-month workout-only plan:

• 4-Week Personalized Training Program based on YOUR goals

• Periodic Weekly Check-In & Assistance With Any Questions At Any Time

• Detailed notes for each exercise

• Videos demonstrating each exercise with proper form


3-Monthly Subscription —► $69.98

What you'll get in your 3-month workout-only plan:

• 12-Week Personalized Training Program based on YOUR goals

• Periodic Weekly Check-In & Assistance With Any Questions At Any Time

• Detailed notes for each exercise

• Videos demonstrating each exercise with proper form


Whether you're a beginner ready to make that change and don't know where to start, looking to tone up, or you just hit a plateau as an intermediate, I can help you set realistic goals and transform your health and life for the better. You will look and feel your best, ultimately with increased self-confidence as well as helping you to enjoy yourself along your fitness journey. Don't wait for tomorrow for what you can begin to improve today!